The JJCPA was created by the Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (Chapter 353) to provide a stable funding source for local juvenile justice programs aimed at curbing crime and delinquency among at-risk and system involved youth. (See Gov. Code, § 30061, subd. (b)(4).) JJCPA funds are available to address a continuum of responses including prevention, intervention, supervision, and incarceration. State law requires that JJCPA-funded programs be modeled on strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in curbing juvenile delinquency. JJCPA relies on a collaboration between the state, local agencies, and stakeholders (i.e., community-based organizations, families, educators, etc.). Local officials and stakeholders determine where to direct resources through an interagency planning process. Local agencies and community-based organizations deliver programs and services. This partnership acknowledges the value the State places on local discretion and multiagency collaboration in addressing the problem of juvenile crime in California’s communities.
A process has been established for departments and other partners to submit project funding requests to the OCJJCC to request funding. Projects submitted for JJCPA funding should meet the following criteria:
Each entity submitting a funding request shall submit utilizing the format provided. Requests will be reviewed per the timeline indicated below:
Funding Application Period | For the OCJJCC Meeting Date in: |
August 1 – August 31 | 4th Thursday in October |
An entity may be asked to provide additional information and will be asked to make a presentation to the committee for funding consideration.
Approved projects will be required to report performance metrics on a quarterly basis.